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Quinn's Window & Moon

Why Ryan Went to the Moon

(For Heather Almond, Ryan, Quinn, and Jake) Once upon a time, a little boy named Ryan had a baby sister he loved …

The Crane Tree

How to Make a Crane Tree

When Mike and I moved into our first house last fall, we realized we had little furniture…and even less of the décor …

Finished Paper Crane

How to Fold a Paper Crane

Some years ago, I managed the Tutoring Program at UNC Charlotte. I learned many, many lessons while there and met many wonderful …

Journal & Pen

Hopefully Lost

Not too long ago, a friend of mine, and talented, budding writer, came to me asking what she should do. She was …

Hobbit Grits

Hobbit Grits

“Suddenly Frodo laughed: from the covered basket he held, the scent of mushrooms was rising” – J.R.R. Tolkien ************* Okay, let’s be …