Another Parable of Bears
(For Those Who Still Don’t See What’s Happening) Once upon a time, a tribe of brown bears lived on a beautiful island. …
A collection of short short stories to be read or told at bedtime.
(For Those Who Still Don’t See What’s Happening) Once upon a time, a tribe of brown bears lived on a beautiful island. …
(For Charles Easley…and a bunch of other bears) Once upon a time, Yona the polar bear lived on an island country that …
(For you, Dad) Tolk vomited over the topside railing. “Why didn’t you stay with the shore battalion? You knew this was going …
(For those who love both sense and sharks) Fourteen creatures lived aboard the Ark – a three hundred foot watercraft rocked by …
(For Arjarn Dan Jakrapop Ruangrit King and Arjarn Dr. Ying Yaemsiri-King. *Wai*) Once upon a time, deep in the forests of northern …